connect | communicate | constellate
What I’m here for:
I am here on this planet to embody equanimity, facilitate flow, amplify missions, discover joy, and recipes for regenerative abundance, and to discover all the ways we can help each other
grow, heal and thrive.
Every conversation is a catalyst for inspiration. Every moment can be a Muse if you let it.
I invite a conversation with you about your dreams, projects, wishes, desires, challenges, struggles, grief and joy, including what kind of help you need most, and how I might help you find it.

“The great lesson from the true mystics, from the zen monks, from the humanistic and transpersonal psychologists, is that the sacred is in the ordinary, that it is to be found in one’s daily life, in one’s neighbors, friends, and family, in one’s own back yard. This lesson can be easily lost. To be looking elsewhere for miracles is to me a sure sign of ignorance that everything is miraculous. ”